Silence en la cuarto el banyo. Woot!
I just saw it, why? Haha. Got a problem? LOL. Silly imagination I have, really. Could be for those ladies who are fond of applying cosmetic stuff on their faces. I really don't know how they could stand retouching and going through all that fuss of applying lipstick and all. Fine, there's nothing wrong with making yourself look presentable.. But doncha think, you already look fine without all that paint and powder? Hm.. Hahaha. I don't mean to offend anyone, alright. Sometimes, it's just annoying when you'd bump into some girls who'd look like they would die if they don't apply such things. Is it really needed? 0.o I mean, come on. You're just in school. Haha. I would understand hair care, but.. well. Haha. Okay, so this is coming from one of them girls who don't really give a damn about using all that. Hehehe. Just wondering. Sometimes when it's warm in the laboratory, I couldn't help "observing" girls who get all sweaty and messed up after their retouching lala. It's like, LOL. Hahahaha. Sorry. Just compare it to wearing high pointy heels while running. Inappropriate? Perhaps. Awkward? Oh yes it is. Uncomfortable too. XD
Point is. I don't know. Hahahahahaha XD Oh yeah, like what Mary Anne Pasion said, "ang magalit, PANGET." LOL. :))
Okay, back to Karl Popper. ;)