I am seriously considering reorganizing my image files/folders for the nth time. This OC drive never stops, huh? I decided to fix my blogs too. I was successful.. 20% successful. :3 Obviously, I'm bored. Randomly blogging about my urge to rename folders and images and what else. I even transferred some of my files to a DVD for back-up.. which I regretted because I wasn't able to organize 'em files. Oh my. Being kind of obsessive-compulsive makes me feel old and stressed. Well, at least I'm not feeling bummed for nothing. I am being productive.. right? 0.o
This is getting bad. My thesis groupmate texted me last night, telling me to sleep because I've been working my arse off. I just want to get thesis and other tasks over with but then the more I ponder about things I have to do, the checklist in my head gets longer. I end up creating more tasks.. which leads me to my neglected need: a decent planner.
(Insert scream here.)
Energy source? Maybe I should blame the champorado, milk and french toast. @_@