went to school yesterday to get my clearance report..
i was expecting a FAIL.. but there. i survived the first sem. it's really surprising. i really really think i was supposed to fail.
then went with roxanne.. we lined up to see our grades. lubel arrived.. roseanne followed.. took us 3 hours. 0.o
when i saw my grades.. well.. i found it amusing. i got a line of 1, then 2, then 3. funny. variety. haha.
well anyway.. a sem and three years to go.. IF circumstances allow. well.. basta. you know what i mean..
liz and alfred arrived. then left. then pizzahut.. then..
'..our hopes and expectationsblack holes and revelations
our hopes and expectations
black holes and revelations
hold you in my arms
i just wanted to hold
you in my arms
far away
the ship is taking me far away
far away from the memories
of the people who care if I live or die
and I'll never let you go
if you promise not to fade away
never fade away..'